Coping with chronic diseases
Weight loss
Stress relief
Post-traumatic stress disorder
health coaching

Health coaching

Insightful therapy for deeper wellbeing. Wherever you are on your journey, I will meet you there, we will go at your personal pace and in the direction you want.


Your journey

I invite you to show up as you are: scared, depressed, lost, curious, grieving, heartbroken, insecure, frustrated, excited.... and it is my job to create a safe and non-judgmental space.

Padma takes a lot of time for the case history and shows great empathy. The expertise of the acupuncturist is outstanding and I can unreservedly recommend Padma because she has helped me a lot. Doris. A - Ayurveda Acupuncture
Almost a year ago I was in a very weak state physically and psychologically and had lost 10 kilos (from 70). Padma Kollorz slowly restored me with acupuncture, massages, Ayurvedic remedies and lots of good advice, so that after some time I was feeling much better and also had my old weight back. Werner. W - Ayurveda, Acupuncture & Coaching
Padma Haya hat mir in einer schwierigen Zeit der privaten und beruflichen Neuorientierung sowohl mit ihren ayurvedischen Behandlungen als auch mit ihrem psychologischen Coaching sehr geholfen. Aufgrund ihrer sehr einfühlsamen als auch empathischen Art fühle ich mich bei jedem Besuch in ihrer Praxis sehr wohl und bestens aufgehoben.“ 🙃🤗. Jutta. W - Ayurveda, Acupuncture & Coaching
Mrs Kollorz's treatment is absolutely holistic, very individually oriented, multi-layered and extremely efficient; sometimes complaints disappear as if by magic. Her medicines are selected with great knowledge according to the respective needs, thus very effective and helpful, her massages simply fantastic, sometimes also very strenuous for the body, but in any case extremely beneficial. Gisela. W - Ayurveda, Acupuncture & Coaching
Padma Kollorz has excellent professional competence. Due to her holistic skills, she can always apply the appropriate therapy for every symptom, from nutrition to home remedies, Ayurvedic medicines and treatments to acupuncture and much more. Thomas. Z - Ayurveda Acupuncture
Ms Kollorz is a very competent and helpful alternative practitioner who is not only very knowledgeable about Ayurveda but also in homeopathy and can help very swiftly and in a targeted manner. Prevention is as much a matter of the heart for her as long-term support for those seeking help. Beate.O - Ayurveda Acupuncture

Welcome to Body Mind Practice

Step into a unique place of relaxation that offers the best of naturopathic treatments, coaching, lifestyle, and nutritional counseling.

Monday to Friday
by appointment only
by appointment only

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