Behandlungsverfahren & Schwerpunkt
Alternative treatments work on all levels - body, mind and spirit - and use different modalities to address health problems.
My aim is to treat patients with ancient traditional techniques involving acupuncture, along with homeopathic medicines made from natural compounds and Ayurvedic holistic procedures.
The core competence of the treatment lies in the rehabilitative, long-lasting and holistic treatment of psychosomatic illnesses.
Begleitende Therapie bei chronisch entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen und Parkinson und Multiple Sklerose
- Depression
- Angststörung
- Post-traumatic stress disorder
- Fatigue-syndrom belastende Erschöpfung
- Back pain
- Frozen Shoulder - Schulter steife
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Allergien
- Asthma
- Migraine
- Sinusitis
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Body Mind Praxis
The vast majority of pains and diseases are absolutely not natural. They are home-made and are usually caused subconsciously. My goals:
- to share the principles of holistic health teachings
- Gently move you towards new ways of doing things
- to release unexpected blockages
- Decipher the core of your problem