Ganzheitliche Medizin

Holistic medicine is a philosophy that holds that a person can achieve optimal health by restoring and keeping healthy not only their body, but also their mind and emotions. As a trained therapist, depending on the individual needs of the patient, I recommend alternative treatments such as: Massage therapy, mental health counselling, acupuncture, nutritional counselling, meditation, yoga, qigong and herbal medicine. At the very core is the idea of the connection between mind and body. Essentially, this means that thoughts and feelings can have a positive or negative effect on our physical health.


Homeopathy promises relief from various diseases. Its approach: the body's self-healing powers are stimulated according to the similarity principle. Accordingly, a substance that causes negative symptoms in a healthy person can alleviate the same complaints in a sick person. At the beginning of a homeopathic treatment there is always the medical case history. It can take one and a half hours or longer. I work like a detective: to select the right homeopathic remedy, I look not only for physical symptoms but also for mental symptoms, considering, for instance, the emotional situation and the overall well-being.

Ayurveda Physical Therapy

Panchakarma is not simply a regimen, but a process during which one tries to get to the core of the problem and bring the bioenergies back into balance. Panchakarma is not only a treatment for certain diseases, but also a preventive approach to maintain health. In Ayurveda, a Panchakarma treatment is actually recommended after every change of season to get the metabolism flowing anew - in our country especially after the long dark winter. The body is supposed to be freed or "cleansed" of metabolic waste products, undigested food components (mala) and environmental toxins (ama) through these treatments.

Case history

Every person is unique and requires different treatments depending on their constitution, state of health, age and season.


Fine needles are inserted into certain points on the body, the acupuncture points. Acupuncture is said to help against many complaints, partly healing, partly alleviating.

from €20

Acupuncture points are heated with smouldering moxa herb. This consists of the dried leaves of Artemisia vulgaris, the mugwort.

Gua sha
from €20

Die Gua Sha Massage ist zunächst dazu da, um Ihnen dabei zu helfen, den Stress des Alltags hinter sich zu lassen und einmal tief durchatmen zu können.

from €20

is a traditional healing method that works against tension and pain, for example. The most common explanation for its effectiveness is a long-term improvement in blood circulation to certain parts of the body.

Panchakarma Kur
from €500

Ayurvedic detoxification therapies such as Pancha-Karma treatments are customised therapies. They calm the mind and detoxify the body. The treatments and consultations are charged according to your individual therapy plan and the current price list.

Ms Kollorz is a very competent and helpful alternative practitioner who is not only very knowledgeable about Ayurveda but also in homeopathy and can help very swiftly and in a targeted manner. Prevention is as much a matter of the heart for her as long-term support for those seeking help. Beate.O - Ayurveda Acupuncture
Padma Kollorz has excellent professional competence. Due to her holistic skills, she can always apply the appropriate therapy for every symptom, from nutrition to home remedies, Ayurvedic medicines and treatments to acupuncture and much more. Thomas. Z - Ayurveda Acupuncture
Mrs Kollorz's treatment is absolutely holistic, very individually oriented, multi-layered and extremely efficient; sometimes complaints disappear as if by magic. Her medicines are selected with great knowledge according to the respective needs, thus very effective and helpful, her massages simply fantastic, sometimes also very strenuous for the body, but in any case extremely beneficial. Gisela. W - Ayurveda, Acupuncture & Coaching
Padma Haya hat mir in einer schwierigen Zeit der privaten und beruflichen Neuorientierung sowohl mit ihren ayurvedischen Behandlungen als auch mit ihrem psychologischen Coaching sehr geholfen. Aufgrund ihrer sehr einfühlsamen als auch empathischen Art fühle ich mich bei jedem Besuch in ihrer Praxis sehr wohl und bestens aufgehoben.“🙃🤗. Jutta. W - Ayurveda, Acupuncture & Coaching
Vielfältigen Therapiemethoden und der großen Erfahrungsschätz vermittelt Therapeutin Padma kollorz empathisch und geschickt Anregungen, Impulse zur achtsamen und bewussten Lebensweise. Erfahrungen, die ich während der verschiedenen Behandlungen und angestoßenen Prozessen machen darf, sind nicht immer angenehmer, leichter und einfacher Natur, eben ganzheitlich. Natalia K - Ayurveda, Acupuncture & Coaching

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